Showing posts with label Email Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Email Marketing. Show all posts

     Do you want a business that runs automatically without you? Maybe you can say ok, but I need to hire other people, and sometimes that not effective. ok, maybe, but if I say you can build automatically online business without hire staff and it’s free, What do you say?.

Yes, it free and it ‘’ll help you save a lot of time, money and work! So cool, right

So now, I’ll share with you how to build it, let go:

There’re two important parts you can automatically for your business they're:
Social Media
Email Marketing

When I mention to social media, some of the people post manually, some pro blogger says you should use buffer to Schedule your sequence posts with different social media channels like twitter, facebook or LinkedIn at one time. This is considered to be more progressive and it saves you a lot of the time.

But I want to let you know that you can go farther than that by set up a completely automated system that auto selecting your posts, recurring your post in the free time, sharing your posts on various social networks at the same time, automatically thank those who have shared your articles and follow you , or automatically send a welcome message to those who follow you on the twitter.

In other words, it will work without you there, what you do is just answer the reader's questions through these social media

1. Social Media Automation

To do that you need to set up a Zapier account, then click on make a Zap

There ‘re 2 part Trigger app and Action app. That means when you Trigger one app, the other app (Action app) will perform another action follow

In this example, I ‘ll make a zap that automatically shares what on Twitter for Pinterest

In trigger choose Twitter.

There are many types of trigger like search mention, My Tweet, New Follower, Liked Tweet,…

Let choose My Tweet and click on Continue

Then the system ‘ll verify your Twitter account

In action, app choose Pinterest or whatever social media that you want to perform an action

Then click on Save+ Continue

Add your Pinterest account

In Edit template part choose the import twitter data that you want to display on the Pinterest account such as broad to post, image, tile, link,...

Finally, This sample display to make sure everything looks right, you can also test the Zap before active it
Click on Finish

Finally active the Zap

Congratulations! you just make a Zap that will automatically share what on Twitter to Pinterest.

So now you can make another Zap for Facebook and Twitter, Twitter and Linkedin or Linkedin and Tumblr,…

This will help you create a domino effect. All you do is try posting on any social network, for example:

When you make a Zap between Facebook and Twitter, where Facebook is trigger app when you share the post on the Facebook it will also automatically share on Twitter.

Zap: Facebook ---> Twiter: Facebook shares to Twiter

If you have another Zap between Twitter and Pinterest, when Twitter share the Facebook post it will automatically post to Pinterest, like this:

Zap1: Facebook --> Twitter + Zap2: Twitter --> Pinterest

>> Result: Facebook share to Twitter and Twiter share to Pinterest!

Now you can create a sequence of social networks as long as you want and make sure have a linked app between them.

Now you know how to create automated chaining shares the articles among different social networks.

But like I said earlier, I want you to have a system that automatically chooses your post and recur post on social media without you right? yes that it’s

Auto choose and repeat your post for social media

Let go to Recurpost (it's free), Recurpost is a tool that keeps your article evergreen, what you do is set up an account here [Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, I receive compensation if you upgrade through this link.]

Next, go to Social Account to add your account

Then go to the Content Library, click on add new library.

Fill in your library name and add this

 Add your update

After that, write your message or drop your link as the image below

Then Add it to your library

Finally, choose to Add An Update 

Now go to Schedule and add the day you want to repeat the post as well as the post’s frequency of each social accounts

Add the days/router as well as the social channels that you want to repeat your posts  

So now the system will auto post your contents and recur them in the days/router that you choose.

You can go to smart queue to know when your post will be published by the system as well as the post that system choose to post

That’s, you have a system that auto choose your posts, schedule, publish them, and recur the post

Now I ‘ll share with you some of zaps and tools that help you send the auto welcome message, say thank your new follower or for share/like your link,…

Auto Send a direct message to your new follower

Set up an IFTTT account, like Zapier that also a tool to help you integrate many apps together

Then go to this link: Send the welcome message via DM to your new followers on Twitter

Choose the setting button and fill in your message content


Then click Save

Finally, make sure you activate the Zap

Auto send the newly published article from any website

Go to dlvrit. Add your social account by click on the Social button

Then and choose Feed ---> choose to add New Feed

Add the website you want to share content

Choose your edit output To adjust the components which you want to display on your like the title, their social account name, post URL, .. like this.

Then click on Save.

*Note: You should add other sites content on your social feed if you don’t publish your own article regularly, but if you post regularly, You should limit the use of this tool to avoid bombarding your audiences.

2. Email Marketing Automation

   Like social media, you can auto your email marketing campaign. However, email has more strict moderation and you must avoid using it for spamming purpose.

So if you just send an email with the purpose of offering or placing pressure on the customer, it is not the right way to go and can lead to the following bad consequences.

  • Your email goes to your spam mailbox
  • Your email is blocked by the automated email service
  • Make customers uncomfortable with your emails

So before i guide you on how to build an automated email campaign, I would like to share some solutions to help your email campaign not fall into the above problems.

So How to avoid your email campaign go to spam box

When you send a ton of email at the same time and people don’t open them up, your email automatically going to peoples spam box.

This is a problem that most businesses make when trying to email as many people as possible and that happens in every email provider like AOL, Yahoo mail, Hot mail, and Gmail.

So if your list has 100,000 emails, you only start sending a few like 1000, and the next day you start sending 3,000 or 4,000, from then you start sending 9,000 to 10,000 then 20,000 then 40,000 then 60,000 and then maybe 100,000.

When you do this, you ͚ll be warming up, the email provider like AOL, Yahoo mail, Hot mail and Gmail they'll be more comfortable with your emails and they will put them to the inbox.

How to avoid email provider block your email campaigns

To avoid this problem you have to send quality email, and that related to your email content, to make sure your email is good, let use spam score check tool, just copy your content and paste it into this tool, that’ll show you the spam score, as well as the ways to reduce your spam score.

The other factor that affects to the possibility of blocking your email campaign that is the number of emails you send in one time, when you send a ton of emails at the same time, the high probability that your campaign will be censored by email service provider.

So avoid this happened Break your campaign down. That lets you reduce the number of emails you send in one time.

How to use email to build relationships with your audiences

Like I said above if you just use email to offering and putting pressure on customers, this will not bring you any results but also hurt your business.

People love shopping but they do not want to be sold, so instead of using one type of boring high-pressure email, you need to provide real value to your audiences before offering them

I recommend using the 6 types of following emails alternately

•    Promoting your company’s products and services
•    Providing additional educational content to your subscribers
•    Asking them to add your email address to their safe listener
•    Promoting another company’s products as an affiliate
•    Highlighting existing content on your website to your new subscribers
•    Asking subscribers for feedback about your content and your company’s products

By this way, you ‘ll make your customers feel more comfortable and feel like you provide real values for them than just try to sale

Read more: How To Use Email Marketing Right Way

So, you know how to avoid your email campaigns become useless. Go to the next. I’ll show you how to build an auto email campaign.

Build Auto Email Campaign

First, go to Benchmark Email (free) and set up an account [Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, I receive compensation if you upgrade through this link.]

Then choose Automation

Next, choose to Automation Lite and Create New Automation

Then choose Contact List Automation and click Next

Next, in Automation Details part, fill in some required fields like Automation Name, Automation Description.

In Contact List Selection, choose the list that you want to send the email campaign

In Trigger Selection, there are many types of automation email you can choose like
  • Send emails when contact is added to a list
  • Send birthday, anniversary and other annual emails
  • Send timed emails based on an exact date

In this example, I ‘ll choose the option: Send emails when contact is added to a list

In Sequence Email Details filling your name and your email address, then click Save & Next

Then choose to Add New Email, then filling your Subject Line, choose your Email Delay, in this example, I choose email will automatically send to my new subscribers after 3 day

You also can choose Select Send Days or Send Time

After that, click Save & Next

You go to the email editor, let choose DRAG & DROP EDITOR and click Next

Now you can design your email and add the content that you want to send. When you finish clicking on Save & Next

Finally, Active Automation and then Confirm it

Great, you just create an automatic email! And this email will auto repeat send to each new subscriber after 3 days they join your list!

Now you can create another sequence of automatic emails that trigger for each new subscribers like a follow-up email, a multi-part lesson, your series articles or your sale funnel.

Other useful tools for your email campaign

Hubspot (Free)
A great tool that composes many types of email templates such as first touch email, follow up email,...what you do is just  fill in the blank that fit for your business

OptinMonster (Paid)
OptinMonster helps you collect email addresses through a variety of popups, hello bars, welcome mats, and other innovative tools.

Deadline Funnel (Paid)
Deadline funnel automates product launches, landing pages, videos, email sequences by using personalized deadlines which help to optimize your campaign, driving more traffic, and generating more leads. [Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, I receive compensation if you purchase through this link.]


 Above are tools that I’m using to run my business.

So, what’re the tools and tactics that you like

And what’re the other tools that you want to share, please comment below

When you think of starting an online business, what comes to mind? Build a beautiful website? learn some of the tactics from the expert? Or create a powerful ad?

Yes that's right, but that’s not important, starting an online business begins with filling a need and building credibility, if you ignore it, that will be very dangerous for your business especially when you just start, there are a lot of mistakes that you can get into, especially when you’re new to eCommerce and don’t have much experience.

So I decide to do a lot of research and find out the five biggest mistakes that are over 80% small business make, they ‘re repeated in many different posts with different interpretations,

But they all talk about the same problems, and if you know them, that will help you go ahead of 80% remaining

Now let start 


Many People think it's just only for big business, because they do not know if their business is going to be there or not, and they think they just to start, when their business grows they will find out what to do next, but that's not true, you have to build a plan before you start. 

You don’t need a formal 20-page business plan to successfully plan a business, but you still need a plan. A business plan will help you know what's working and not, divide available funds to reach specific business goals.

For example, if you sell fitness machines and you’ve identified 20-year old males as your target audience, a marketing approach built on social media marketing like facebook, twitter and Instagram might be more effective than using magazine ads.

Your marketing plan will help you understand the amount you’ll need to spend, how many people you can reach, and how many potential customers you’ll have to convert to generating a profit


This mistake will lead to identifying the unimportant problem and target wrong audience, Imagine if you created a great product, spend an amount of money to promote it but no one buys, How do you feel?

Simply because it's not their problem, Remember customers are buying for themselves, not for you

Take the time to do research to identify who you are trying to reach, what are their important problems and the actual gap in the market before you take things further.


You have no idea what your competitors are doing with their marketing, that’s a mistake. In most markets, customers have different options to choose from. Your business needs to be distinctive. 

If your business has competition and you then realize that your business idea isn’t unique. You have to ask the reason why people should do business with you instead of your competitors.

If you can not create a different product, you could change the way of marketing, like Guy Kawasaki explain in the book The Art of the Start: “Most of the new companies use the same terms to describe their product or service. 

It's as if they all believe that their prospective customers have been living on a desert island and have never before heard a product or service referred to as "high-quality," "robust," "easy-to-use," "fast," or "safe." [Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, I receive compensation if you purchase through The Art of the Start link.]

A better way to distinguish your product is to offer concrete proof points so that people can deduce its unique qualities.

Find unique language or offer scientific proof points, and don't be tempted to think that you have the only product described with such overfamiliar adjectives as intuitive, secure, fast, and scalable.


When you have a business, you need a some of the promotional tools, that will help your business look more professional and more attractive, right? Yes, but you don’t want to go overboard. 

In most of the market, maybe except for the fashion industry, your customer just care about: Can you solve their problems and how do you solve it?.

So instead of spending a lot of money and focus on things like how your business cards look or the design of your logo, founders are wasting valuable time and money. You should concentrate on your content that will help your business go to the next level.

But don’t make me wrong, you should still buy some promotional items because it’s also a factor to attract your customer, but keep the quantities and your budget on the small side.

Here is my suggest
·         Business cards
·         Marketing materials
·         A cheap giveaway item


Businesses lose as much as $41 billion a year from bad customer service, don’t let yours join those notorious ranks, you’re selling on the web and rarely meet face-to-face, that’s the reason why customer service becomes more important. 

A good customer service will help you educated potential customers to realize the benefits of your product, that help you know to reason the ones who ask for refunds or buy your product but don’t use it and why the people who tell you they won’t buy, and find out why.

You should establish your contact info which displayed on your site, so your customers can always reach you with feedback, questions or complaints. 

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Kết quả hình ảnh cho breakthrough

How many times you see the great strategies from the other but you fail to follow?

How many time?.... ok, I guess that is A Lot

If yes, there are 9/10 people like you

Your answers are right here, But you still can not follow, Why?

Because it is your Scenarios,….you have a scenario that says this Thing will not work because your scenarios are built from your experiences, you use to read a lot, apply a lot but nothing work, Really? Are you use all techniques? are you use it in a powerful way or weakly, half-confidently? 

And when you fail you say it does not work, right? and this goes on until you use the new tool and like before, you do weakly and hope the miracle appear, and when the magic does not appear you will blame this method is useless, so your beliefs gradually and eventually you conclude that nothing works, All are just cheating, and you do not want to try anything . It just wastes your time and effort.

Here you need to know one thing that nothing is easy in this business, no such thing like one size to fit all, because each business is unique, to succeed you need to change your scenario, strategies/ tactics they’re just a tools, they will not help you get rich overnight, it's all about YOU, what you have to do is practice it fiercely, and will it help you succeed?, I Do not know, because No one can predict the future, but one thing is for sure, if you commit to practicing in a consistent way, you have the success rate higher than the others.

Nothing is Perfect in this business world, a hundred million dollars advertising strategy does not guarantee you get the results you want, as Ford cars spend billions of dollars for advertising on American Idol and then they realize it's a big waste, the most successful entrepreneurs, or the athletes who reach the highest goal are those who have unbelievable “stamina”. 

And it comes from their scenario, and all things are built by beliefs, all these things help them committed to following the strategies in the most intense and consistent manner and when these things are not working, are they disappointed?, No, they're ready to change the strategies until they reach their goal, Why they can do THAT?

Because they have a scenario that says they are going to succeed, they will practice aggressively without hesitation and therefore they will have a higher chance of success than anyone else, and in most cases, the results will accurately reflect your process

Kết quả hình ảnh cho failure and success

So the scenario is very important, at the beginning if it says this thing is useless and time-consuming or you fear that it will not work, then maybe you will do nothing or do in a weak, half-hearted way, and that will not lead you where you want to come.

Sometimes people consider too much about the cost of doing without considering the cost of not doing. Usually, when you think carefully, you will realize the cost for doing that ‘s not scary at all, the worst, you will lose a time with friends or coffee or you need to learn some new skills, but what will you pay if you do nothing? 

Your business will be stuck in place or worse going down and declaring bankruptcy, you will do boring job 8h per day and expect a retirement amount, look past monotonous, boring and worried about the future

So you can see the scenario plays a very important role in our success, different scenarios lead to different actions and then lead to different results.

And if you have not felt enough motivation or are hesitant about what you do because it seem to does not work, try writing down the answers to the following questions. I believe they can support you very well

These are the questions from Tim Ferris the author of Four Hours Work Week [Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, I receive compensation if you purchase through this link.]

1. Define your nightmare, the absolute worst that could happen if you did what you are considering. What doubt, fears, and “what-ifs” pop up as you consider the big changes you can—or need—to make? Envision them in painstaking detail. Would it be the end of your life? What would be the permanent impact, if any, on a scale of 1–10? Are these things really permanent? How likely do you think it is that they would actually happen?

2. What steps could you take to repair the damage or get things back on the upswing, even if temporarily? Chances are, it’s easier than you imagine. How could you get things back under control?

 3. What are the outcomes or benefits, both temporary and permanent, of more probable scenarios? Now that you’ve defined the nightmare, what are the more probable or definite positive outcomes, whether internal (confidence, self-esteem, etc.) or external? What would the impact of these more-likely outcomes be on a scale of 1–10? How likely is it that you could produce at least a moderately good outcome? Have less intelligent people done this before and pulled it off?

 4. If you were fired from your job today, what would you do to get things under financial control? Imagine this scenario and run through questions 1–3 above. If you quit your job to test other options, how could you later get back on the same career track if you absolutely had to?

5. What are you putting off out of fear? Usually, what we most fear doing is what we most need to do. That phone call, that conversation, whatever the action might be—it is fear of unknown outcomes that prevents us from doing what we need to do. Define the worst case, accept it, and do it. I’ll repeat something you might consider tattooing on your forehead: What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do. As I have heard said, a person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have. Resolve to do one thing every day that you fear. I got into this habit by attempting to contact celebrities and famous businesspeople for advice.

 6. What is it costing you—financially, emotionally, and physically—to postpone action? Don’t only evaluate the potential downside of action. It is equally important to measure the atrocious cost of inaction. If you don’t pursue those things that excite you, where will you be in one year, five years, and ten years? How will you feel having allowed circumstance to impose itself upon you and having allowed ten more years of your finite life to pass doing what you know will not fulfill you? If you telescope out 10 years and know with 100% certainty that it is a path of disappointment and regret, and if we define risk as “the likelihood of an irreversible negative outcome,” inaction is the greatest risk of all.

7. What are you waiting for? If you cannot answer this without resorting to the previously rejected concept of good timing, the answer is simple: You’re afraid, just like the rest of the world. Measure the cost of inaction, realize the unlikelihood and repairability of most missteps, and develop the most important habit of those who excel and enjoy doing so: action.