
The FIVE Biggest Mistakes To Avoid When Starting An Online Business

When you think of starting an online business, what comes to mind? Build a beautiful website? learn some of the tactics from the expert? Or create a powerful ad?

Yes that's right, but that’s not important, starting an online business begins with filling a need and building credibility, if you ignore it, that will be very dangerous for your business especially when you just start, there are a lot of mistakes that you can get into, especially when you’re new to eCommerce and don’t have much experience.

So I decide to do a lot of research and find out the five biggest mistakes that are over 80% small business make, they ‘re repeated in many different posts with different interpretations,

But they all talk about the same problems, and if you know them, that will help you go ahead of 80% remaining

Now let start 


Many People think it's just only for big business, because they do not know if their business is going to be there or not, and they think they just to start, when their business grows they will find out what to do next, but that's not true, you have to build a plan before you start. 

You don’t need a formal 20-page business plan to successfully plan a business, but you still need a plan. A business plan will help you know what's working and not, divide available funds to reach specific business goals.

For example, if you sell fitness machines and you’ve identified 20-year old males as your target audience, a marketing approach built on social media marketing like facebook, twitter and Instagram might be more effective than using magazine ads.

Your marketing plan will help you understand the amount you’ll need to spend, how many people you can reach, and how many potential customers you’ll have to convert to generating a profit


This mistake will lead to identifying the unimportant problem and target wrong audience, Imagine if you created a great product, spend an amount of money to promote it but no one buys, How do you feel?

Simply because it's not their problem, Remember customers are buying for themselves, not for you

Take the time to do research to identify who you are trying to reach, what are their important problems and the actual gap in the market before you take things further.


You have no idea what your competitors are doing with their marketing, that’s a mistake. In most markets, customers have different options to choose from. Your business needs to be distinctive. 

If your business has competition and you then realize that your business idea isn’t unique. You have to ask the reason why people should do business with you instead of your competitors.

If you can not create a different product, you could change the way of marketing, like Guy Kawasaki explain in the book The Art of the Start: “Most of the new companies use the same terms to describe their product or service. 

It's as if they all believe that their prospective customers have been living on a desert island and have never before heard a product or service referred to as "high-quality," "robust," "easy-to-use," "fast," or "safe." [Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, I receive compensation if you purchase through The Art of the Start link.]

A better way to distinguish your product is to offer concrete proof points so that people can deduce its unique qualities.

Find unique language or offer scientific proof points, and don't be tempted to think that you have the only product described with such overfamiliar adjectives as intuitive, secure, fast, and scalable.


When you have a business, you need a some of the promotional tools, that will help your business look more professional and more attractive, right? Yes, but you don’t want to go overboard. 

In most of the market, maybe except for the fashion industry, your customer just care about: Can you solve their problems and how do you solve it?.

So instead of spending a lot of money and focus on things like how your business cards look or the design of your logo, founders are wasting valuable time and money. You should concentrate on your content that will help your business go to the next level.

But don’t make me wrong, you should still buy some promotional items because it’s also a factor to attract your customer, but keep the quantities and your budget on the small side.

Here is my suggest
·         Business cards
·         Marketing materials
·         A cheap giveaway item


Businesses lose as much as $41 billion a year from bad customer service, don’t let yours join those notorious ranks, you’re selling on the web and rarely meet face-to-face, that’s the reason why customer service becomes more important. 

A good customer service will help you educated potential customers to realize the benefits of your product, that help you know to reason the ones who ask for refunds or buy your product but don’t use it and why the people who tell you they won’t buy, and find out why.

You should establish your contact info which displayed on your site, so your customers can always reach you with feedback, questions or complaints. 

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How Many Times You Fail To Follow Your Strategies? and How To Breakthrough it

Kết quả hình ảnh cho breakthrough

How many times you see the great strategies from the other but you fail to follow?

How many time?.... ok, I guess that is A Lot

If yes, there are 9/10 people like you

Your answers are right here, But you still can not follow, Why?

Because it is your Scenarios,….you have a scenario that says this Thing will not work because your scenarios are built from your experiences, you use to read a lot, apply a lot but nothing work, Really? Are you use all techniques? are you use it in a powerful way or weakly, half-confidently? 

And when you fail you say it does not work, right? and this goes on until you use the new tool and like before, you do weakly and hope the miracle appear, and when the magic does not appear you will blame this method is useless, so your beliefs gradually and eventually you conclude that nothing works, All are just cheating, and you do not want to try anything . It just wastes your time and effort.

Here you need to know one thing that nothing is easy in this business, no such thing like one size to fit all, because each business is unique, to succeed you need to change your scenario, strategies/ tactics they’re just a tools, they will not help you get rich overnight, it's all about YOU, what you have to do is practice it fiercely, and will it help you succeed?, I Do not know, because No one can predict the future, but one thing is for sure, if you commit to practicing in a consistent way, you have the success rate higher than the others.

Nothing is Perfect in this business world, a hundred million dollars advertising strategy does not guarantee you get the results you want, as Ford cars spend billions of dollars for advertising on American Idol and then they realize it's a big waste, the most successful entrepreneurs, or the athletes who reach the highest goal are those who have unbelievable “stamina”. 

And it comes from their scenario, and all things are built by beliefs, all these things help them committed to following the strategies in the most intense and consistent manner and when these things are not working, are they disappointed?, No, they're ready to change the strategies until they reach their goal, Why they can do THAT?

Because they have a scenario that says they are going to succeed, they will practice aggressively without hesitation and therefore they will have a higher chance of success than anyone else, and in most cases, the results will accurately reflect your process

Kết quả hình ảnh cho failure and success

So the scenario is very important, at the beginning if it says this thing is useless and time-consuming or you fear that it will not work, then maybe you will do nothing or do in a weak, half-hearted way, and that will not lead you where you want to come.

Sometimes people consider too much about the cost of doing without considering the cost of not doing. Usually, when you think carefully, you will realize the cost for doing that ‘s not scary at all, the worst, you will lose a time with friends or coffee or you need to learn some new skills, but what will you pay if you do nothing? 

Your business will be stuck in place or worse going down and declaring bankruptcy, you will do boring job 8h per day and expect a retirement amount, look past monotonous, boring and worried about the future

So you can see the scenario plays a very important role in our success, different scenarios lead to different actions and then lead to different results.

And if you have not felt enough motivation or are hesitant about what you do because it seem to does not work, try writing down the answers to the following questions. I believe they can support you very well

These are the questions from Tim Ferris the author of Four Hours Work Week [Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, I receive compensation if you purchase through this link.]

1. Define your nightmare, the absolute worst that could happen if you did what you are considering. What doubt, fears, and “what-ifs” pop up as you consider the big changes you can—or need—to make? Envision them in painstaking detail. Would it be the end of your life? What would be the permanent impact, if any, on a scale of 1–10? Are these things really permanent? How likely do you think it is that they would actually happen?

2. What steps could you take to repair the damage or get things back on the upswing, even if temporarily? Chances are, it’s easier than you imagine. How could you get things back under control?

 3. What are the outcomes or benefits, both temporary and permanent, of more probable scenarios? Now that you’ve defined the nightmare, what are the more probable or definite positive outcomes, whether internal (confidence, self-esteem, etc.) or external? What would the impact of these more-likely outcomes be on a scale of 1–10? How likely is it that you could produce at least a moderately good outcome? Have less intelligent people done this before and pulled it off?

 4. If you were fired from your job today, what would you do to get things under financial control? Imagine this scenario and run through questions 1–3 above. If you quit your job to test other options, how could you later get back on the same career track if you absolutely had to?

5. What are you putting off out of fear? Usually, what we most fear doing is what we most need to do. That phone call, that conversation, whatever the action might be—it is fear of unknown outcomes that prevents us from doing what we need to do. Define the worst case, accept it, and do it. I’ll repeat something you might consider tattooing on your forehead: What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do. As I have heard said, a person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have. Resolve to do one thing every day that you fear. I got into this habit by attempting to contact celebrities and famous businesspeople for advice.

 6. What is it costing you—financially, emotionally, and physically—to postpone action? Don’t only evaluate the potential downside of action. It is equally important to measure the atrocious cost of inaction. If you don’t pursue those things that excite you, where will you be in one year, five years, and ten years? How will you feel having allowed circumstance to impose itself upon you and having allowed ten more years of your finite life to pass doing what you know will not fulfill you? If you telescope out 10 years and know with 100% certainty that it is a path of disappointment and regret, and if we define risk as “the likelihood of an irreversible negative outcome,” inaction is the greatest risk of all.

7. What are you waiting for? If you cannot answer this without resorting to the previously rejected concept of good timing, the answer is simple: You’re afraid, just like the rest of the world. Measure the cost of inaction, realize the unlikelihood and repairability of most missteps, and develop the most important habit of those who excel and enjoy doing so: action.

5 Tools Everyone In The Affiliate Marketing Industry Should Be Using

When it comes to affiliate marketing, you may ask why some bloggers are able to produce regular articles and still make quality posts or how can they send dozens of emails in one day and still have time to do other things.

Actually, you can do as they do, the solution here is that you have to know the best tools for you, which is not only help you avoid losing time on trivial things but also help you optimize the results achieved.

Here are five tools that any affiliate marketer should use

Hubspot Blog Ideas Generator

Give you a topic, when you do not have much time to think about ideas on your topic. Hubspot blog ideas generator will do this for you.

You just simply access this tool and enter the topic you are interested in as shown in the following picture

And then click GIVE ME BLOG IDEALS! Then this tool will automatically give you 5 ideas for one week like this

You can also download ideas for 1 year if you scroll down and fill in the required information

Then the file is downloaded as excel and you have ideas for 1 year without much effort


Those who do online marketing are probably familiar with this tool, buzzsumo help you find the “hottest” article on your market and it is shown through the interaction (like or share),

From there it gives an overview of what your readers are interested in, helping you develop content that is more relevant to your market.

For example, when I search the landscape garden, the results will look like this

You can see the number of facebook shares or the total number shares of other social media like Twitter, Pinterest, or LinkedIn, which reflects the reader's interest in the subject matter that the article refers to, you can click through and go to the article to see the content.

Now you need to answer some questions

What does this article need to be improved?
Can I provide more information ?
How is the article presented?
How many images in the article?
How many words of this article?

 Then turn those ideas into your own by trying to add new information or new strategies that the old article did not mention, if the article is too good and there seems nothing to improve then strategy in this case is to find a specific problem or method in this article and go deep into it, 

Usually, when the reader likes a certain article they tend to learn more about the solutions or problem that the article mentions and you should not ignore this opportunity

Benchmark Email

This is a tool to automatically send email to all your audiences in just one click, there are many other automatic emailing services like mail chimp, convertkit or aweber, but personally, i like to use bench mark because it has a free version for beginners and most of all the automation functions, 

Normally you have to pay to use it in other services but in the email benchmark it's free

Automation means you compose have a bunch of emails written in advance and schedule dates to send them in order, which will not only save you time sending email to each one but also help you automate the process of emailing to the list. yours.

To sign up for the benchmark is simple: go to Benchmark Email and click on the Free Plan [Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, I receive compensation if you upgrade your account through this link.]

 Fill in the required information, and click on the Create Free Plan.

Then you verified your account through your email

How to send the broadcast email to all my audiences?

Before you send you need to create a list

Click to Contact on your main page 

And then choose to Create New list:

Choose Regular List then click Next, there’re 4 options to add contacts to your list

Choose the way you want to add contact to your list

When you have a new list then comeback to your main page and click on Email

Then choose to Create New Email

Choose Regular email

Choose Drag and Drop editor and click Next, of course, you can choose code editor if you good at code or plain text editor

In the after part it will ask you somes required formation and your email content, it easy to follow.

Finally, you can schedule or send immediately your message


Canva is a free design tool created by Guy Kawasaki, you can create a professional design from the logo, book cover, banner, ad, .. with a few simple operations.

Visit the canvas and press the Create a design button.

 You will see Recommended such as facebook posters, posters, book covers, logos, depending on what you want to design 

Then you will see the five components on the left vertical bar, including Layouts, Composition, Text, Background, or you can Upload images from your computer.

You can also search for relevant topics related to your design

* Note: Canva has both free and paid photos, if you want to use the paid image you have to pay before download, if not the image will contain Canva logo

Genius.us link

That is a great tool for all affiliate marketers, normally if the product you promote is purchased by someone you will earn a percentage of the total that that person buys within a twenty-four hour period. 

Yes ! you will earn a percentage of all stuff that person are purchased. But Only if they live in the same country as you

If you are an associate in the U.S., you will earn a commission percentage on the product you promote and different stuff, you get a commission on all of it, but the people outside of the U.S. click on your link, they are automatically redirected to their respective Amazon country, and you lose out on a potential commission
Geni.us Links will solve this problem for you. A Genius Link will determine what the country is clicking from, and redirect it through your affiliate link for that specific country.

It's great that your website will reach readers in different countries, especially English pages, so it's really a big deal.

How to use Geni.us ?

First, go to Geni.us Click Try it Free and fill all required information to sign up

Then on your link field copy your affiliate link on it

When you paste your link this pop up will appear

Then click Save

Finally, Copy your Geni.us link and paste it on your site, 

Now you can do affiliate marketing without fear of losing potential profits


So I introduced you to 5 affiliate tools and you can start using it and get results, they helps me a lot, and what is your favorite tool? Please comment below to share your opinion

How To Persuade Prospects Before The Buy Button

Kết quả hình ảnh cho persuade pic

Have you ever wondered why your product is good like that, your ad is great like that, and it has attracted thousands or even hundreds of thousands of views, but the strange thing that is No one buys, then what’re you wonder?

Is my product not good enough? People, who I targeted not an ideal customer? my ad is not right? or are there a problem with my site?…

There are a lot of questions, right but the core question is do you persuade Prospects Before the Buy Button?. If you do not persuade your visitor, 90% of them will not buy


The fact is that only 3% or less of the visitors will want to buy from you, 6-7% of them will receive but still not buy your product, which can be shown by the following model:

This is due to human nature as a child we are taught not to trust strangers and bargain when buying. So it's hard to convince strangers to buy your product in the first place because it's a habit that has been ingrained in our generation since childhood.

That is also why most sites attract a lot of visitors but the conversion rate is very low or almost zero.
Unfortunately, most courses or professionals try to build sales funnels by driving traffic to landing pages, getting visitor emails, and send a series of offer emails

This is annoying to the customer and it will not be as useful as you think, no matter how big the pressure you make, so building these sales funnels not only waste your time and effort but they also damage your brand


To overcome this problem, you should follow their beliefs and habits rather than against them,
When you try to put pressure on audiences, the message they see is that you want them to buy while they do not know who you are, how is your company, what is your product and it contrary to their beliefs/habits that they do not buy from strangers, that makes them feel uncomfortable, and they see it as a nuisance.

So the best way is to persuade customers before the Buy Button. Give your customers the opportunity to know who you are, what your product is, or how your business doing, before making any formal offer.

Now, you know what to do to help your business move in the right direction, then you can ask about how to persuade customers. That's exactly what I'm going to share with you and that's what I always share with my loyal customers.

There are 7 ways to persuade customer before the buy button and they were created based on the book Influence by Robert Cialdini

1. Liking

To liking you need using verbiage and image selection to match a visitor's taste, the theory of this principle is We are more likely to make up with requests made by people we like.

In fact, we often trust the advice from friends, celebrities that we love more than the ads on TV or somewhere.

So to apply these principles, use the language you are telling to your close friends, not a company is talking publicly, make them feel you are talking face to face with them and understand their problems.

One study also pointed out that using the language as a close friend help you increased double the email open rate

Another way to do liking is to make your website well designed, in line with the purpose of the site.

Many people say you should only focus on the content and do not pay attention to the design, because people are only interested in your content, right? but the truth is not so, they care of design, try to think that you visit a site that is designed not professional or ugly, then you will feel that its content is as normal as its design. Although we know this is not true, and it is just our feeling, but in most case we let emotions driven

So focus on the template, using quality images, which will make customers feel your site a lot of better, All Free Download or Free CSS are the good sources to find suitable templates for your site and you can also use Flickr, Pixabay to get free quality images.

                     Kết quả hình ảnh cho Liking

2. Social proof

This comes from the fact that we want to be part of society, we do not want to miss something. Since childhood, we have been taught to not do something weird if we do not want to be seen as crazy and stupid.
Whenever you feel very certain about an answer, but when you look at the vast majority of people choosing the opposite, at that time, Do you have any doubts about the answer you choose?.

 If Yes, this is a normal feeling, Not because we have no stance but because we are afraid of wrong, You believe that the more people who choose it, the better it is, and as a habit, we choose to play safe rather than risky to against the masses.

That is why social proof plays an important role in attracting customers. So, create the social proof to prove your product works well, let people see that customers are getting the benefits from your product.

You can create proofs by interviewing your customers who have purchased or are trying your products, ask customers to leave comments, and if you do not have a customer yet, calling your friends or family for a trial and take comments from them. Then post those comments (if your customers allow, use their name and photo) on the home page, product site, or social networks.

And as a compulsion, your product must be really good, do not say it's good if it's not good, this may entice customers to look at you as a liar. Therefore a good product is a minimum requirement for you to succeed, and it is not difficult to create or search for these type of products on the market.

If you are an affiliate, Amazon, eBay, or Clickbank are great programs to look for quality products or if you want to create your own product, you can do it yourself or hire expert from Freelancer, Fiver and Upwork [Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, I receive compensation if you purchase through Freelancer and Fiver link.]

                               Kết quả hình ảnh cho social proof

3. Consistency

Maybe you will hear some experts say “selling $ 1 products is as hard as selling $ 1000 products”, is it true? It's just right in every context, it works if everyone is familiar with your product or they know who you are and they trust you.

However, if you are new and have no reputation in the market, it is very difficult for you to offer an expensive product from the start, because it is too risky, fortunately, you can set up the consistency habit for your customers by selling cheaper products at the first time and gradually selling more expensive products, which is useful because human nature is a bargain and they wants to choose the one that works best for them.

 To do that they will compare the price, quality of your product versus competitors products, this will be detrimental to you, however, you can reduce this comparison by using the small differences,

For example, at first, you will be offering products from $ 6, after $ 20 after $ 50 then $ 100 then $ 150 then $ 250 then $ 500 then $ 750 and finally $ 1,000

By this way, your customers will be less shocked, why? because your customers tend to compare the two products closest to each other and ignore all previous products, so they will only see the previous product is $ 750 and this product is $ 1000 and the difference is acceptable.

During this process, you also have created a consistency habit for them that is buying from you, so if they do not buy, they will feel inconsistent with their habits.


4. Authority

As I mentioned above, we tend to play safe and try to minimize risk, and we do it by following those who are considered professionals or masters. In some ways, we feel more confident when we follow a person or method that has been proven effective.

In life, too, we often follow the traffic police who instruct you to go right or left, by understanding that behavior you can apply it to persuade customers by mentioning the big brands or superstars in your field, you can show proof that you've worked with those big customers, how they trust your company.( that also related to principle 2 social proof )

If you do not have big customers, you can use this method indirectly, when you are demonstrating something or displaying a feature of your product, linking them with the evidence of famous people.

That is the reason why I take the example of Robert Cialdini or John Reese in this article

For example, when you set up buying habits for customers from small products, customers tend to buy more expensive ones from you, which is reported in psychologist Jonathan Freedman's report. and Scott Fraser in 1960

By this way, you link your ideas with the evidence from Jonathan Freedman's and Scott Fraser, and that increase the Authority of your article

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Authority

5. Reciprocity

This is a rule based on social norms that we often return what we receive from others when you give away something for free, the recipient will feel grateful and they often accept your request as a move to repay
As Gary Vaynerchuk says "If you give them enough value they will feel rude if rejected".

That's why successful bloggers like Neil Patel, John Reese, or Gary Vaynerchuk provide their readers with a lot of free valuable information for a long time and when they launch their products, hundreds of thousands of people are willing to buy their products, not just from the quality of their products, but from the support the audience gives them.

Now, you know what to do to build support from your audiences that is offering free value to people first, but you can also make this strategy become more effective by providing something exclusive, this makes them feel special and it shows you really care about their problems.

John Reese used this strategy to make over $ 1 million in one day, and he reported it in the book one millionaire day.
       Kết quả hình ảnh cho Reciprocity funny

6. Unity

Do you know why religions, apple or Harley are attracting masses of loyal customers, because of their product quality?

Maybe but it's just a part, as you see in the market there are many products of equivalent quality or even better, a Dell computer is not inferior to a MacBook, Yamaha, Honda or Suzuki motorcycles are not inferior to Harley or even their delivery service faster than Harley, but they still to make people wait in line to buy Apple products or wait a year to own a Harley motorcycle. This is a completely different thing

These brands have gathered the majority of loyal customers because they share their beliefs, and people with similar beliefs are automatically attracted to them to towards a higher purpose

When we feel like belonging to something like in a group, we feel more united and more responsible, we want to do something because it helps to express our beliefs, our lifestyle, not because of any other coercion.

There are many ways to build the unity, but the most effective way to create it is to use family-related language, as Robert Cialdini shares, Advise readers as you advise members in your family.

Take for example of warren buffet: "The big concern of shareholders is always what happens to Buffett's company, Berkshire Hathaway, and when the buffet is no longer in charge of the company, In an important letter For the shareholders related to the succession plan, Buffett wrote, "I'll tell you what I'm going to tell my family today if they ask me about the future of Berkshire."

Using words like talking to family members plus With the persuasive content’s letter,

The investment community has reacted very positively and praised it as the best buffet letter ever. "
Now you can also apply it by saying something like "Here's what I'd advise my children/sister to do ..." Naturally, you could use words like brother, sister or parents, etc. rather than a stranger.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Unity

7. Scarcity

Now imagine you go to the supermarket and intent to buy a box of cake, but in the supermarket, there are too many different types of cakes and you do not know which type to buy, Suddenly you see a cake that has only one box, how do you feel? Choose the other cake that has more or quickly get the last cake before someone took it?

Have you ever wondered about a donut, chocolate bar or any other product that becomes valuable when they only have one?

To explain this phenomenon, there are three psychological factors that are: psychological reactance, loss aversion, and commodity theory

Psychological reactance: we do not want to be limited when we feel limited freedom, we feel a natural tendency to maintain or regain that freedom because there is only one cake box and that limits your choice so you will react because of it.

Loss aversion: The pressure to avoid a loss of overcoming pressure to gain a benefit (Tversky & Kahneman, 1991). We all feel instinctive to avoid loss, including the loss of a chance. When only one box, the pressure increases that make we grab the last box before we lose the chance.

Commodity theory (Brock, 1968). This theory suggests that people place higher values on something when it is limited and unavailable, compared to when it is plentiful and abundant.

There are many ways to create scarcity like quantity limits, time or geographic limits, The interesting thing is that you can increase the pressure by repeating it on the same campaign and the pressure produced will be significant, Here are four emails to boost the pressure from the marketing expert Frank Kern 

Email 1: Only 500 products will be launched
Email 2: The first 200 people will receive bonuses worth $ 50
Email 3: The first 100 people will be discounted half the product, the rest will have to buy the original price
Email 4: We will limit 1 person per city to buy the product

 What're your prospects think? I do not know, but maybe like this. "Oh well, only 500 copies will be published and the first 200 buyers will receive the bonus, if I were the first 100 I would not only get the bonus but also get the Half price, maybe I have to buy it fast "

Of course, this is just basic content and it's not a complete email, you can add anything you want, but be sure to create a clear and specific message, you can Increase or decrease the pressure depending on your ability.

Note: Here you should only use bonuses as a way of referring to scarcity, for example only 200 the first buyer will get the bonus, the problem here is not to overuse the bonus such as donating too many bonuses, although it may stimulate shoppers in the short term

But in the long term, it will invisibly create the habit of placing too high expectations on your bonus, (see Rule 3) so if you reduce the bonus, it will cause inconsistency, and maybe lead to lose customers and it’s not an effective financially strategy, so limit bonuses, no more than 3 per launch, and do not go up.

                          Kết quả hình ảnh cho scarcity


Here are seven methods used to persuade potential customers, you can start with one or all seven methods to increase the resonance and balance between them, except for the 7th method - scarcity it can only be used for sales pages, the remaining methods should be used throughout the site to increase persuasion.

High-pressure sales models are no longer effective and they only bring trouble to you and your customers, now are the time to change our approach to customers more effectively, convincingly and more constructively.

And finally, Do you think people buy from you because of what, because of your smart product? because of your knowledge? or because of the reputation of your company. Probably not, people who buy from you because they like you, trust you and the most important they believe you have their best interested